A workshop affiliated with the 46th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
In cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation Tier 1 UTC Transportation Cybersecurity Center for Advanced Research and Education (CYBER-CARE)
In advanced intelligent transportation systems (ITS), the fusion of cyber and physical domains brings unparalleled opportunities to enhance transportation efficiency, safety, and sustainability. These sophisticated systems promise transformative changes in how we navigate and manage traffic, from autonomous vehicles to smart city infrastructures. However, this integration also introduces complex cybersecurity challenges, stemming from the intersection between diverse technologies and the environment.
Accordingly, The SecureTrans 2025 Workshop, focusing on "Securing Next-Generation Intelligent Transportation Systems," aims to bring researchers and practitioners who are actively exploring the multifaceted challenges of cybersecurity in intelligent transportation systems (ITS). The SecureTrans workshop welcomes contributions that provide innovative approaches to securing ITS, encompassing everything from multimodal vehicular communication systems to large-scale traffic management solutions. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) is inherently linked with security and privacy in transportation systems, we also seek contributions in these areas that address safety and security concerns for wider adaptation of AI in ITS.
SecureTrans 2025 seeks to forge a community dedicated to developing resilient, secure, and trustworthy transportation systems for the future.
Our scope extends to the broader implications of ITS cybersecurity, considering how these systems impact individual privacy, public safety, policy, and the environment. By bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise, our topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
All papers must be written in English and must use the IEEE conference proceeding template (excluding bibliography and well-marked appendixes). Submissions must be in PDF format and should print easily on simple default configurations. Submissions are anonymous, so information that might identify the authors must be excluded. It is the authors' responsibility to ensure that their anonymity is preserved when citing their own work. Failures to adhere to these requirements can be grounds for rejection.
Full Papers: Up to 6 pages (excluding references).
Demos or In-Progress Papers: Up to 2 pages (with "Demo:" or "In-Progress:" in the title).
Submissions go to
We strongly encourage authors upload their source code or dataset to Github or IEEE Dataport at the time of submission.
The review process will be double-blind, with each submission being reviewed by at least three committee members or external reviewers with relevant expertise.
The TPC will select a best paper award and a best demo award that distinguishes itself in moving the security and privacy of IoT/CPS forward through novel attacks or defenses.
The proceedings will be published by the IEEE after the workshop and will be made available in IEEE Xplore, with an option for extended versions to be recommended for a journal special issue with possible APC waiver. Such as:
General Chairs:
Program Chairs:
Other Chairs: